Welcome to the Center for Child Trauma Assessment, Services & Interventions (CCTASI)
A Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) at Northwestern University
The Center for Child Trauma Assessment, Services and Interventions (formerly the Center for Child Trauma Assessment and Service Planning) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is a Treatment and Services Adaptation Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). The purpose of our Center is to provide national expertise on interventions for the developmental effects of trauma across child-serving settings, including child welfare, behavioral health, educational and juvenile justice settings.
Our Center’s mission is to use a racially and socially just lens to address gaps in knowledge and practice related to the complex developmental effects of trauma across child-serving settings. We offer national expertise through trauma-informed training, consultation, and implementation support for providers and systems. We also work to develop, adapt and disseminate an array of trauma-focused products and resources for caregivers, youth, and professionals in child welfare, juvenile justice, behavioral health, and education settings to support the healing and success of youth and families in all communities
Our Goals:
- Increasing the use and meaningful application of developmentally-sensitive, trauma-informed screening and assessment strategies for providers in child welfare, behavioral health, juvenile justice and educational settings
- Providing training and implementation support to service providers and caregivers on NCTSN service interventions/approaches to address the developmental effects of trauma
- Adapting existing trauma-focused interventions, services and products to support the needs of providers and youth in targeted settings and among underserved populations
- Disseminating trauma-informed resources and products to increase public awareness of the developmental effects of trauma
Trauma-Informed Assessment
Part of our mission is to increase the accessibility of our comprehensive trauma-focused assessment tool, the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive, and to provide resources to help translate assessment information into meaningful clinical practices.
Family Engagement
We take pride in our efforts to collaborate with youth, caregivers, and families to improve the work that we do.
Expert Collaboration
We work together with our state and national level partners to identify needs related to trauma-focused assessment and service planning, resources on developmental effects of trauma, and application of supportive resources across service settings.